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![]() Warriors For Christ A Motorcycle and Prison Ministry
![]() ![]() This is an Educational Site and is not Affiliated with any Group or Organization
![]() Mail Bag & Bulletin Board
![]() ![]() The Mail Bag and Bulletin Board is no longer updated. And is provided for historical purposes only...- BP
![]() 1st Battalion Kenneth C. Chitty Information Sought by Friend and Brother in Arms
From: CaloudHO@15meu.usmc.mil
Hi Rangers,
Hope you don't mind this type of mail particularly from a Marine! Hope you can help not sure who to write. I had a neighbor where I grew up in Iowa name of Kenneth Chitty. This would have been late 60's early 70's as he died a few years ago. He's down as being in 1st Ranger Battalion in the different books being published. Suppose he could of been one of the early volunteers from the 34th as there were a lot of soldiers from my area in that Division. I've read different accounts where 99 of the original 500 or so 1st Battalions Rangers made it back. Guess that would make him one of them.
I'd like to find someone who served with him or at least find out some details of his service i.e. was he was one of the original Rangers from Scotland , a POW etc.
Appreciate any assistance or putting me in contact with the right people if you can't help.
H O Caloud
1st Battalion Ranger Bill Woods seeks other 1st Battalion Buddies
From: jannbrenna@stargate.net
My twin brother Jack Woods and I were in the 1st Battalion in Cisterna when we were captured and sent to Stalag 3. We would like to know if there are any other Rangers still living from this battalion and where we might find them.
Bill Woods
Rangers who were transported to Landing Beaches aboard HMS Royal Ulsterman; sought by son of Ulsterman Crew member
From: crosspoint@tiscali.co.uk (Steve Robertson)
My father served aboard HMS Royal Ulsterman and I remember him telling me all about these real tough guys who they transported to various beachheads !!
I would love to hear from any Rangers who travelled aboard or remember the ship, Best wishes Steve.
Yours Sincerely,
Steve Robertson, DTp. A.D.I.
DSA Registered LGV Driving Instructor.
Company D. - 3rd Battalion's Charles T Barnett History Sought
From: jlbarnett@optidynamic.com (Jessica Barnett)
To Whom It May Concern:
Your web page is excellent. I recently became interested in my father's (MSGT Charles T. Barnett) military past and am trying to find anything of value. He passed away in 1986 and never relayed much information about his military experiences. I found an application card to the local V.F.W. and on it he listed being in the Co D 3rd Ranger BN from 13 Apr. 43 - 25 May 45. I know he received many commendations including the Silver Star and that he was a prisoner of war. He also served in the Korean War and retired from military service in August 1961. If this web page is telling his exact history in WWII, I am truely grateful and if any have more information about him or Co D, please e-mail me at www.ctbarnettjr@hotmail.com.
Charles T. Barnett, Jr.
Web Addresses of 2nd Battalion Ranger Operations Sought
From: PUAILIHAU@aol.com
Hello, my name is Charles and I enjoyed your website. Can someone please give me an email address of more US Ranger operations during other campaigns during World War 2 in particular the assault of the 2nd at Pointe-Du-Hoc June 6, 1944.
Thank you, Charles
My Dad was in Darby's Rangers 1st Battalion
From: JOEY729@aol.com
My dad was in Darby's Rangers 1st Battalion..........His name Joseph P. Ryan, he has since passed on in 1991.....But I am in search of a new copy of his album he received when he left the Rangers (It was a rather big album and contained many pictures of the whole ranger battalion......The one we have is in pretty decent shape but if possible I would like to get another copy if they are still available. Please let me know if there are any for purchase or who I could contact.
I am a son who is so proud that my Dad was in Darby's Rangers and love to read the history and treasure the keepsakes that my Dad had from those times.
Thank you,
Joseph P. Ryan, Jr.
Detroit, MI 48236
1st Battalion Ranger Krzysztofiak Info Sought by Loving Daughter
From: gamegirl@jps.net (Elinor Y. Krzysztofiak)
My name is Elinor Y. Krzysztofiak, daughter of Walter P. Krzysztofiak.
My Dad left when I was 2yrs. old and I never had a chance to know him. I
had in my possession at one time a news paper clipping with his picture,
and an old photograph with him in it, (that I acquired by snooping)
stating he was one of the first men to set foot on Anzio. When I was
27yrs I passed this clipping on to a Vet. who told me he might be able
to help, and I never heard from him nor got my clipping back, and have
no idea what paper it was published in since it was just a cut out.
Walter P. Krzysztofiak served with Darby's Rangers, he was in the 1st
Battalion. This I found out by coincidence when I found a book titled
Rangers in W.W.II written by Robert W. Black. His name is listed, as
well as all the other brave men in the Rangers.
It has all names listed of men who served in the Battalions 1 - 6.
I have been trying to find information for many years, I am now 54yrs
old. I found a site that said he had passed away November of 84' in
Monroe, NY. I have been looking for any one who may have known him, or
knew about him. I have his SS#, and was told he was a boxer. I don't
know if it was for the Army, or professional. As you can see, I know
nothing of him and my family does not speak of him.
Any information that can be passed on would be muchly appreciated.
Filling empty places in the heart is very difficult.
With great Respect,
Elinor Y. Krzysztofiak
Ranger 'Bud' Lindsay escapes from disaster of Cisterna; info sought
From: RickLinds1@aol.com
I found your Web Site And was just wondering if anyone remembers my dad Charles M. Lindsay nick name (BUD) he was in the 3rd Bn. , and was in all of the Battles that the 3rd was in. He was one of the six guys that made it back after the Battle of Cisterna! Any information would be great.
With Deep Respect
Richard A. Lindsay
More info about Stalag II-B sought by Great-Nephew
From: westerman01@msn.com (westerman01)
My fathers uncle was an American prisoner in Stalag II-B in WW2. I am trying to locate as much info as possible about this particular camp. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Greg Westerman
(Greg, Appreciate the email I will post it in the mail bag. Look thru our Darby site and you will find a book about Stalag II-B called the 'Twice to Freedom' which is ALL about Stalag II-B and includes photos. Also, I have posted the official govenment reports on Stalag II-B; after years of research I believe this is about as much as the government compiled...also after contacting the Red Cross..they do cooperate with anyone but the prisoner who was held or the next of kin and their costs are staggering and the results may just include basic name rank serial number and state of health........In our sight you will find info about an SS guard named Hauptman Springer. I have made contact with Nazi Hunters in Europe and the US and the Simon Wisenthal Center in Israel. We have been successful in starting a search which is now underway to locate Springer; or find information about 'The Butcher of Stalag II-B'. The Official US reports on Stalag II-B made it clear that Springer was personally responsible for the murder of POW's during WWII. - Bob Price/Webmaster www.DarbyRangers.Com)
Darby Ranger Allen Filbert Information Sought
From: rfilbert@bellsouth.net (Ron Filbert)
I am trying to locate anyone who may have been associated with my uncle who was a Darby Ranger. His name is Allen Filbert and he was born and raised in Reading, Pennsylvania.. Unfortunately he didn't talk much about his war experiences. However I do know that his feet became frostbitten and he spent some time in a England hospital. Any info will help.
My e-mail address is rfilbert@bellsouth.net.
![]() ![]() ![]() Photo: Darby's Ranger Allen Bradbury, World War II
Darby Ranger Herbert J. Rice;From N. Africa to Cisterna
From: msrice@p2net.ca (Micheal Rice)
My father served in Darby Rangers, his name was Herbert J. Rice I would be grateful if anyone had some information on his service with the Rangers. I know he fought in N. Africa at the Kaserene Pass, in Sicily at Selarno and Naples. He landed Anzio and was captured at Cisterna. He passed in 1978 and I never had chance to talk to him about the war. - Thank-you Michael Rice.
From: b.rice@uwinnipeg.ca (Brian Rice)
This is a little bit more on my father Herbert Rice 1st Ranger Battalion. He was a Mohawk Indian who lived in Buffalo N.Y.. He received the Silver Star(My mother says two silver stars), two bronze stars, two purple hearts, oak leaf cluster, among other decorations. He was captured at Cisterna and said that the Germans forced a surrender by driving tanks over the wounded. I believe he gave the last message of the 1st Battalion, because he used to go into delirium and re-live the battle including giving the message. He hated what the Italian people in Rome did to them when they were marched through as prisoners. He never forgave them for it. He was tortured by a German named Kessler who tried to cut his finger off and left him with a badly wrecked nose. He escaped from one of the stalag's after many attempts and walked with a buddy for hundreds of miles only to find his friend didn't make it. We still had a small harmonica used in the escape until a few year ago, although we are not sure of the reason for its use. Until a few years ago we had one large picture of all of the Rangers together and one large picture of the 1st Battalion together. I believe that they are now with his second wife in Buffalo N.Y.. They were like scrolls. I still have classified Ranger manuals of maps of Europe as well as how to kill Japanese soldiers even though my father never fought the Japanese. Anymore information sent to me or my brother Michael would be great. - Brian Rice
Proud Darby Ranger Charles Diehl Information Sought
From: Theriversinglord@aol.com
I have been so moved by the site, that I can't stay off of it. My Dad served in First Battalion at Arzew. His picture is on page 25 of Darby Rangers 1942-1944, published by The Ranger Book Committee; Charles Diehl. He was (an) original Darby Ranger-served in invasion of N. Afirca-awarded Purple Heart-Came home to Walter Reed Hosp. Lost sight of one eye in battle-Member DAV-Ranger Battalions Assn. of WWII.
He used to meet with some Rangers in Ohio before is death in 1978. I would love any info. anyone knows of my Dad. He is with the Lord and I miss him so much. He was so proud to be a Darby Ranger.
Thanks and God Bless, Susie
Hero Earl W. VanAlstine; Blinded in Sight but not in Spirit
From: BertVan@webtv.net (Bert VanAlstine)
My Father, was with the 1st.Ranger Bn. of Darby Rangers. His name,
Pvt.Earl W.VanAlstine. He was drafted in April of 43,and soon after join
the Darby Rangers. By June of 1943, he was in the push on Rome. He was
involved in the Itilian Campaigns. In November 23,1943, he wounded at
Mt.Venfro,Italy. From what I gather a German 88,landed amoung his
squad,while they were trying to secure a position.
As the result of this battle he was Blinded both eyes. He wasn't quite 20 years old.
He held no bitterness about the War. He was very proud of his service with with
Bill Darby and the Rangers, he had known Col.Darby, and met several
different times while in Italy. When he spoke of his outfit, he became
very emotional. I ask once if he was a Hero, his reply was, We left all
the heros over there, the ones (that) never came home.
My dad received the Bronze Star,Purple Heart,CIB and several campaign
I have recently learned that he entiled to the PUC. I am trying to get
the paper work for that award.
My Dad pass away on May 9,1993,never to see any of his 9 children, and
12 grandchildren. He was blinded in sight, but not in spirit." I miss
him very much, he was my hero.
Pvt.Earl W.VanAlstine 1st Ranger Bn/WWII.
In memory to my Dad.
Proud Son, Bert VanAlstine(Vietnam Vet)
Cheboygan, Michigan.
PFC James Olin Reeve info sought; KIA at Bella Piazza
Feb 14, 1944 in the Southern Anzio Beachhead Area
From: gbachman@kumc.edu (Gary Bachman)
I am looking for information on PFC James Olin Reeve, 3rd Ranger Bttn, transfered to Ranger Force HQ at Salerno. Entered Ranger Force from North Africa. Killed in action at Bella Piazza, southern sector of Anzio Beachhead on Feb. 14, 1944 by artillery fire.
To help stir the memory, this was the same date that Col. Wm. Darby was slightly wounded by artillery fire. ( I would assume in the same general location.) And 1 to 2 days prior to Col. Darbys reassignment as well as the reassignment of surviving (non-POW) Rangers. (that would be primarily Ranger force HQ and 4 Bttn. cooks and drivers) Does anybody out there recall him? His body was identified and personal effects inventoried by someone named "Huckle" from Ranger HQ but no rank is noted in the official papers. I understand this "Huckle" died in the 60's.
Any information about my cousin would be appreciated. The inquiry is at the request of his younger brother and sister looking for any information about their lost sibling.
Does anyone know of surviving Ranger Force HQ or 4th Bttn veterans who might be willing to discuss or tell the story of the Ranger Force and the 2 weeks immediately AFTER the Cisterna infiltration?
Thank you ,
Gary Bachman
Darby's Rangers...The movie. Research help available
From: rmurray@afbda1.hq.af.mil
Just found the site and enjoyed it! Saw a comment from someone in the
"Mailbag" portion of the site alluding to a request for info on the making of
"Darby's Rangers". My father was also a technical advisor for the film and
participated in its making at both Ft. Benning, where he was assigned, and at
Hollywood. I remember vividly when they tested the system for shooting ropes
up the cliffs (to replicate the training at Scotland and the actual use at
Normandy . The modern Rangers did not think it would work. The old Rangers
proved them wrong. Worked like a charm. If someone still needs pictures or
other info about the movie, I think I can find some things among my father's
papers. Please have them contact me at my email address. Once again, great
Division A Realty Specialist
![]() Arden Hays 3rd Battalion Rangers; Hero Now and Always
From: rathays@hotmail.com (Robert Hays)
What a great site!!! My dad was in the 3rd Ranger Battalion I'm just sorry he is not around anymore to see this wonderful tribute. He did however make it home from the the war otherwise I would not be here. His name was Arden Hays and was so proud to have been a member of the Rangers. One christmas close to his death I bought him the Darby's Ranger movie and still have the card I atached "You Will Always Be My Hero". He never talked too much about the war but did enjoy watching the old war films with me on TV when I was a young boy. He was wounded in the leg and was in the hospital at the time most of his unit was killed. Again thank you for this wonderful tribute and I wondered if there is any site that lists the members of the 3rd Battalion? Also where is the Ranger Memorial I would love to see it. I have atached a picture of my father, I guess more for myself than for you realizing it would be impossible for you to posted every picture sent. Somehow I just feel sending it to you honors him in my own way.
Thank You Again!
Robert Arden
Andrew Bordash information sought by family
From: lenz@rcn.com (Len)
Thanks for the site.
I am looking for information about my uncle, Andrew Bordash. Family
history has it that he was killed while evacuated on a hospital ship
during the Anzio invasion. Any info would be appreciated.
Greetings From New York City; Ranger Info Needed
From: Temahedysa@aol.com
My dad joined up with the rangers in Africa around Feb. 1943. After that campaign he was assigned to the newly formed 4th BN. He was in the invasions at Gela, Salerno and Anzio and was shipped home on June 6th 1944.
His best buddies were killed and I was wondering if anyone has any info on them. Robert Taylor KIA Nov 1943. Yantatello( not too sure about the spelling) He was a former trumpet player for the Charlie Barnett jazz band. I believe both of these men were part of the original 1rst BN.
Last ranger is Wade (my dad dosen't recall his first name) He was wounded and lost a leg in Italy. My dad is still alive and well and is finally attending reunions. His name is Ben Temkin. He is in close contact with one of his war buddies and former 4th BN member Edmund Black.
Solomon Harris information sought
From: hockey-nut@mindspring.com
Gentlemen: I met a man at E.Glacier Park, MT three or four years ago who claimed to be LtCol Solomon Harris, a veteran of the D-Day invasion @ Normandy and also a member of Darby's Rangers. He showed me a couple of pictures of his unit in training at Ft. Bragg, NC (I believe) prior to their deployment overseas.
(Edited....If you have any knowledge of Harris write: hockey-nut@mindspring.com)
I'd love to hear from you all. Sincerely,
Derek H. Detjen
Major, USAF (Ret)
Evans, GA
A Grandfather to be proud of...
From: rachel.poppe@oscworld.com (Rachel Poppe)
This website is a wonderful homage to the Rangers of the past. My
Grandfather was in the First Battalion. Proud to have him still with me.
Thank you for such a wonderful site!
Rachel D. Poppe
Senior Client Service Rep.
Ranger Vern L. Sorenson Remembers His Buddies
From: sherrydoherty@earthlink.net (Sherry Doherty)
My father, Vern L.Sorenson, was one of Darby's 1st Battalion Rangers. He landed at Gela Beach and later at another beachhead, and was active in the battles at Gela, Anzio, and Cisterno. He ended up with trenchfoot, and was transferred to a hospital in North Africa, and then later returned to the U.S. He still speaks of his "tent mate", who was killed. His name was Wilkinson.
When I called my father today to wish him a happy Veteran's Day, and told him of your website, he became choked up, as he always does when he remembers his Ranger buddies.
They were the elite of the elite, as far as this proud daughter is concerned! Blessings to all of you who are still with us, as well as those of you who honor the men of Darby's Rangers.
Sherry Doherty
Ranger Stanley Lesser Information Needed!
From: SCrohn@aol.com
My father, Stanley Lesser was a Ranger during WWII. He has since passed away and i have little if any information concerning his war years. If anyone out there has any information it would be greatly appreciated..Shelley Crohn
Information on Captain Charles Shunstrom Sought
From: wodchuck@pacbell.net (Woodchuck)
Hello, My name is Adan Shunstrom Austin, I am 11 years old and would like to know more about my Grandfather, Capt. Shunstrom. I ahve heard a lot of stories from my grandmother about him but she just can't remember much any more.. I"ve been told that he wason the cover life magazine and was a hero in World War 2. I just don't know how to find out more. Please help if you cab.
Hand Salute and Taps to passing WWII Hero Robert L. Mullauer Internee Stalag IIB
From: mullauer@prodigy.net (James Mullauer)
Hi to the Rangers. My father, Robert L. Mullauer who was a prisoner of war in Stalag IIB near Hammerstein Germany just passed away a few weeks ago. I am going to conduct a memorial service for him and in honor of all vets, ExPows, DAV, etc. I would like to talk alittle about Stalag IIB. My father did not talk much about his experience although over the years I did learn alot. He was a machine gunner in the 36th Division. He faught in North Africa and was captured in Italy. He was a prisoner for 2 years and 4 months. He was also liberated by the Russians at which time he was wounded. He was 82 years old and was a loyal member of the VFW, DAV and ExPows down in Dunedin Florida. He was active right up to the end. Please keep him in your prayers and know that we are so very proud of all the men and women who fought to save our freedom.
God's Speed,
Jim, proud son of Robert L. Mullauer
Info needed on 3rd Army Medal of Honor Soldier Alton Knappenberger
Hello my name is Wayne Kraemer Jr.. I am researching my family and Alton
Knappenberger is my Great Uncle. I grew up working with him and could
never get any information out of him about his medal.
Hope that you could provide more info other then his citation which I have a copy.
Thanks for any light you can shed , my e-mail is wkfixit @aol.com
CROWCASS the Key to Nazi War Criminals
Dear Sirs,
I wish to know how to access CROWCASS on the internet to check to see if three Nazis are on the list. They were sent by RSHA Berlin to Mauthausen to interrogate, torture and then executed some American OSS agents.
They were never found at the end of the war.
What is the best way to run them down?
Thanks for your help.
Jim Downs
PFC Dwight Forshaw 3rd Ranger Battalion info needed
From: mrolson@singnet.com.sg (mary ruth olson)
7/5/2001 9:34:36 AM Central Daylight Time
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in the hope of finding more info on my cousin.
His details:
Dwight Forshaw
PFC 3 Ranger BN
1 May 1921-30 November 1943
Birthplace: Sibbald, Alberta, Canada
Raised: Sanborn, Minnesota
Entry: Ft Knox
Buried: Anzio-Nettuno cemetary
First Purple Heart: Wounded in Sicily; then joined the Italian front, where he was killed in November 1943 I know you are so busy, but any help in obtaining info would be appreciated from the depths of my heart.
Mary Ruth Olson
WWII Photos Needed - Pvt George J. Himsl
Date: 6/8/2001 12:45:56 PM Central Daylight Time
From: rhimsl1@home.com (Robert Himsl)
Great site! I am looking for information regarding Pvt. George J.
Himsl of the 1st Ranger Battalion. He was killed in action at Cisterna
on Jan. 30, 1944. Any information would be appreciated or if you can
point me in the right direction that would be great too.
Thanks for your help,
Robert Himsl
![]() Darby Ranger Allen G. Bradbury 1st Ranger Battalion Veteran
V-E Day Vivaries Belgium 1945
Italian Battlefield Tour Info Needed
Date: 6/8/2001 4:35:02 PM Central Daylight Time
From: TICOVISMAR@aol.com
WWII Photos - SGT Tom S. Sullivan, 1st Battalion
5/30/2001 4:55:59 PM Central Daylight Time
From: tlanagan@worldnet.att.net (Thomas Lanagan)
Good day to you all. I'm interested in obtaining 3BN photos that might have
my uncle, SGT Tom S. Sullivan, who fell in '43 during the fighting in the
heights outside of Salerno. He had served with the 1st BN from it's
inception and then helped to train up the 3rd prior to the landings at
Sicily. Would you be able to point me at a web site or published reference
where I could scan for photos ?
warm regards,
Tom Lanagan
email: tlanagan@worldnet.att.net
rerun18@home.com (Mike Hyatt)
Seeking Info or Photos or Both! - MSGT Lloyd O. Hyatt
I too am researching, my father Lloyd O. Hyatt, was in the 1st
Rangers and also captured at Cisterna. I don't have much with names but
I have some information about the Rangers as POW's.
Mike Hyatt
Information from the International Red Cross on POWs of World War II
From: dcuche.GVA@icrc.org (Delia Cuche)
Sender: RES_ARCH/GVA@mekoe.unicc.org
We acknowledge good receipt of your message dated 08.04.2001.
We do have in our archives files containing individual data about POW held
in Stalags. It is presented in the form of card-indexes and lists, allowing
a research by surname of the POW.
As this information is personal, it has to remain confidential for a period
of one hundred years. However, after fifty years, you can access data about
one specific person through an archivist, who will carry out the research
for you and produce a new document showing all the information found (but
no copy). This serves as a protection of the other people's personal data.
This service is free for the individuals concerned and for their
next-of-kin (that is parents, children, brothers or sisters, husbands or
wives). Otherwise, a fee of 80 Swiss francs per hour is charged.
If you are interested in such a research, please let us know the name,
nationality, place and date of birth (and every other detail you might
think revelant) of the person you are enquiring about, so that we can
identify him/her in our files with certainty.
Thanking you for your interest, we are waiting for your answer and remain,
Yours sincerely,
Delia Cuche
ICRC Archives
Polish Records of American POWs
From: strukaga@box43.gnet.pl (Agnieszka)
Dear Sirs,
thank you for your mail from 17th April,
unfortunately we have no information about Stalag IIB here,
I would advice you to contact the Muzeum of POW in Lambinowice
that collects all the information about Camps from II WW that was located in Poland
(former German area):
Centralne Muzeum Jencow Wojennych
w Lambinowicach/Opolu
ul. Minorytow 3
45-017 Opole
tel: 0048 77 453 78 72
with warm regards
Elzbieta Ciepiela
Directior of the Museum of Allied Prisoners
of War Martyrdom in Zagan
6th Ranger Battalion History
Ex pow message board
From: kmerritt@doddacm.com (Karla Merritt)
Thanks for the information on Osborne and his nephew. This is the way we locate the Sons and Daughters; the list keeps growing each week.
Regarding the list, one of the "ole guys" recently exclaimed that the size of our roster was beyond anything he had ever dreamed....he was absolutely amazed. Our roster is now almost 525.
From: TEH5RGR@aol.com
On Feb 2, 2001 you advised you wished to contact WWII Rangers who remembered Robert Lyle Cunningham.
The former Company Commander of "F" Co., 3rd Rgr Bn WWII, has advised that he remembers the name but, after all these years, cannot remember much about Cunningham except that he was one of his sergeants.
Another former 3rd Bn Ranger has advised that he also recalls the name but cannot remember him enough to talk about it. He also advised that Blackie Daniels did not "strike a chord" with him. Daniels does not appear on our listings of Rangers who served in WWII. (Editors Note: Daniels is listed as Aubra Daniels)
I sent your previous message to our members who served with the 3rd Rgr Bn and have Email access. Unless you have heard from some of them, the above mentioned responses are the only ones received.
Is Cunnigham still living? If so, we'd like to communicate with him. If he is deceased, please advise the date of death and place of interrment for our records.
There have been several books written about Rangers in WWII, but are no longer being printed. One, "Rangers in WWII" by Robert Black, is scheduled for reprint this Fall. Another book, "Darby's Rangers" by James Altieri, is available from the Darby Foundation in Ft. Smith, AR. The Fdn's Email is Darby1945@aol.com.
Several other books have been spotted infrequently in used book stores, on Amazon.com, etc. - "The Spearheaders," "We Led the Way" are two that come to mind.
Thanks in advance for your response on the status of Cunningham.
Tom Herring, Secretary, RgrBnsAssn-WWII
Date: 2/2/2001 5:04:29 PM Central Standard Time
From: speclbr@bellsouth.net (David Williams)
My uncle was Capt. Jim Lyle, Co. commander with the 1st Btn in North AF, Sicily and Italy. He got really sick in Oct 43 and was shipped back to the US. Sat out the war at Fort Benning. My grandfather's name was Robert Lyle, born in Scotland.
If we can have your mailing address, etc we'll put you on the mailing list for the RANGER newsletter which comes out twice annually. Where in Texas are you from and can you give any assistance to the Sons & Daughters of World War II Rangers, of which you are an automatic member -- by birthright. Like me, a nephew. Good to hear from you. RLTW
David Williams
5/3/2001 12:09:25 PM Central Daylight Time
Greeting I am Rodney E. Sandlin u inquired about photos and info on the making of "Darbys Rangers". As my father was one of the military advisor's for the movie while he was a instructor at the Ft. Benning School. U emailed my dad Richard at the RangerABN@aol.com address, he forwarded the email to me. But u really want to engage in conversation with him. I have encouraged him to respond to u. I hope he does, but I really don't know if he will. He is skeptical about how much help he could be to you. I will look for some of the photo's he has of win they made the movie i.e. the boot camp they put the extra's through, the hand to hand scenes, the demo scenes, the slide for life scene etc. I am sure he still has them, in fact i enjoy looking through the "book" from time to time. He has some photo's of the "camp life" while he was an instructor...very interesting stuff. He was a instructor for about five years, longer than most before we went to Berlin (just before the wall went up).
The things he has been involved in while in the service are amazing. Being a Army bratt and living in a "Army" town I have met many with great experiences, however this guy has really been there, from "Tomb Duty" in DC to the "Korea Campaign" to the Ranger Camp to Berlin to "Dom Rep." to Thailand to Vietnam.
I am sure if u engage in conversation with him u will gain access to the info he has, once he is sure u r "friendly" to his passion...RANGERS !
Be sure and tag your emails Ranger or he will not read them.
Good luck,
Rod Sandlin earls@cslink.net
I very much enjoyed your site.
5/27/2001 10:33:44 AM Central Daylight Time
You did a great job on the web site.
Thank You John Wilfred Geisler son of Wilfred Geisler Darbys First Ranger Battalion
Help Needed:
5/21/2001 5:40:07 PM Central Daylight Time
From: dennans@skc.school.nz (Simon Dennan)
I am a teacher in New Zealand.
I am building a 15mm wargame army based on the Rangers.
I have the company structure sorted.
I have seen references to Rangers being supported by flamethrowers in Italy.
Where would these come from, what units?
ANy help you could give me would help.
Thanks in advance
Simon Dennan
From: DGHammer@iquest.net (D Hammer)
Dear Sir:
I just visited your site while researching Bill Maudlin on the net. I have been searching for a way to contact him to see if he would be willing to autograph a first edition of "Up Front" which I have had for years. I read the article by (?) Frank Price where he met MR. Maudlin and had him sign copies of the book. I am hoping that you or Mr. Price could be of assistance if finding out how to contact Mr. Maudlin.
Any assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Keep up the good work on your great site.
Dennis "Sledge" Hammer
Dear Bob,
I am writing from the Northwoods of Wisconsin where my parents built a lake home. It is kind of a dismal and rainy day up here. Hope your weather is better.
I am writing to see if you have any more ideas on how to contact Mr. Mauldin? I sent a letter to the address I found, which was the same as the one you sent me. It came back stamped by the Post Office as "Not Deliverable As Addressed - Unable to Forward". I have check various address locators on the net but have had no further luck finding out anything. Any further help you can provide would be appreciated.
Dennis "Sledge" Hammer
It is easier to get older...
Than it is to get wiser.
Great Job!
3/22/2001 6:40:46 PM Central Standard Time
Great new work on your site! We are proud to be so nicely included in so many locations. I can't figure out how you do all that quality and detail historical work. I know it is truly a labor of love though. Thanks for producing such a high quality web site. We will visit it often. I'll also add a link to it on the 494 Web Site soon. Regards,
Mike Guarino, Webmaster, LST 494 Assoc. Web Site
Family Documents
From: (Anonymous by Request)
5/31/2001 8:22 PM Central Standard Time
Thank you so much for the Web Site! The whole family is honored by your 30 or more years of dedication to the family. I appreciated the email on the family documents; and I agree with your grandmother's wishes...all Cunningham documents should remain in the Cunningham Family; and I salute your effort to preserve this history. I don't know if you know this; but the Cunningham, Bradley, and Brazill Family Photo Album was destroyed by carelessness (edited). Brent and Bryan Cunningham of Cheyenne Oklahoma are the direct descendants and I support your desire to see that they receive all the family artifacts including Bob Cunningham's watch and documents once you determine that your research is ended. Ola Mae Boyette (their mother) is the finest lady in the family and she would be sure that your documents would not be destroyed and the artifacts would be passed down in the family. Responsibility has its privileges. I look forward to our visit later this year in Amarillo.
6/20/2001 11:49:48 PM Central Daylight Time
From: AIRBORNE@peoplepc.com (Terry Williams)
1SG Darby I wanted to let you know what an injustice was done to the Rangers and the Airborne community as a whole. I am sure that you are aware of the General's orders on the Army as a whole wearing the "Ranger's" Beret. I want to take this time through this email and apologize for having to wear the Beret; as far as I am concerned, I did not earn it, and I am not worthy of it.
My dad was Airborne in 509th/82nd, so I know what it takes to earn that beret, whether it be maroon, black, or green. But because I have been ordered too along with the rest of the soldier's in the Army, I will wear it right all the time, I will never forget the sacrifices that the men before me have made.
Nor will I allow anybody else to disgrace the Beret, talk bad about it, or even be below standards in the uniform we wear! I shall wear it with Pride, Respect, and above all Honor. And as my father told me while I was growing up,
"No matter what you do in life, always be better than the next man in everything, go ALL THE WAY in everything".
And I am proud to say that my Father set that example for me as I was growing up, and even today.
Please let the rest of the "Rangers" know that I and my father are behind all of you. May the symbol of the Beret never be forgotten!
SPC Micaele Williams
40th MP CO
SGT Terry Williams
509th/82nd Abn Div(Retired)
6/24/2001 6:05:37 PM Central Daylight Time
From: iurock@email.msn.com (iurock)
Your web site has won our Site Of The Week award! We found that your site had very good content and was easy to navigate. Design and layout were both excellent! Your hard work has earned you this award.
Unknown Barracks Area...Any Ideas Rangers???
write: WWIIRangers@yahoo.com
![]() ![]() Editors Note: Here are two photos that I can not identify...Rangers; this looks to me like German Army Barracks; but it may have something to do with quarters for the 1st and 3rd Battalion as well. They may even be propaganda photos; A cousin of mine has a set of photos sent to the family showing German Officers and explaining the kind treatment the Ranger POW's received; I will post them as they become available - BP
![]() ![]() WWII Information:
Korean War Info:
Special: The Official Report On No Gun Ri
The final report on claims of 'intentional massacre of Korean Civilians' during Korean War
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