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![]() The + POW + Letters: Stalag IIB
![]() Kriegsgefangenenpost
![]() ![]() ![]() Stalag IIB Correspondence to the editors parents Canadian Texas
![]() ![]() ![]() Postkarte
Lager-Bezeichnungt: M. - Stammlager III B
Datum: April 3, 1944
Dear Mom....Just a line to say hello and let
you know I am O.K. I am in a Prison Camp in
Germany getting treated O.K. Moms dont worry
about me I will be O.K. Tell everyone hello for
me. Moms you write this girl and tell her hello
for me and where I am at Grace Jones, Henderson
Texas Rt 5. How is everyone making it. Tell Mildred
I said hello.
Lager-Bezeichnung: M. -Stammlager II B
Datum: May 28, 1944
Dear Mom and all,
Just a few lines to say hello
and let you know that I am
O.K. and feeling fine. Moms
when you send a parcel be sure and
put in some coffee and cocoa
wrap it where it wont break. Tell
everyone hello.
Love Bob.
Vor- und Zuname: SGT. Robert L. Cunningham
Gefangenennummer: 22624
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager IIB
Deutschland (Allemagne)
An: Mr R.B. Cunningham
Empfangsort: Granite Oklahoma
StraBe: Granite Oklahoma
Kreis: General Delivery
Land: US America
Landesteil (Provinz usw.)
Stamped: Stalag II B,25, gepran
Gebuhrenfrell, US Censor, 11014
October 22, 1944
Dear Dad and all,
Just received your letter the other day
and was really glad to hear from you
and know that all was O.K. at the time.
I am O.K. and still kicking. Boy you have
really been getting around haven't you. I
am glad you got to see Lois. She is some
swell girl. Tell Ophelia the picture she sent
was really nice and I am sure proud to get it
It doesn't seem like they could grow so much.
I haven't received the things you sent yet
but expecting them any time. When you send
parcels be sure and put some coffee and cocoa
in them. Well there is no more to write so I
will close for this time. Tell Cole and rest
hello for me.
Lots Love
Robert L.
US CENSOR 11014, Stalag IIB
Datum: October 24, 1944
Dear Moms and all,
Just a few lines to say hello and let you know
that I am still O.K. I am glad you got to see
Pearl, well Billie finally got to go out and
work. Did Ollie like him pretty good? Any one
see the girls? He would like Wynell the best.
Will close for this time.
Robert L.
US CENSOR 11015, Stalag IIB
Datum: November 5, 1944
Dear Moms and all,
Just received your letter that was written
August 22. I (was) really glad to get it and
know you were O.K. at the time. I am still
doing O.K. and feeling fine. I haven't re-
ceived the parcels yet but expecting them
anyday now. Will write as soon as the come.
Lots Love Robert
November 5th, 1944
Dear Moms and all,
Just a line to say hello and (let) you
know ow that I am still O.K. you can
thank everyone for me, for the things
they put in the parcels. That was too
bad about Lloyd's house burning. He had
such a nice place. I have written Wynell
several letters and cards but haven't heard
from them yet. You said that Jack Stovall
got married. Who was the girl that got him?
Did she live there at home, or somewhere else?
You can tell Basil hello for me and maybe
one of these days I can be with him. Well Moms
I will close for this time so tell everyone
hello for me. Tell Mildred I said hello,
I guess we would all be better if we would
go to church.
Robert L.
Stalag IIB
US Censor 11028
(Date and top missing, but bottom of the letters can be read)
Probably, December 31st 1944, (see letter)
Dear Moms and all (assumed)
Just a few lines to say hello (reconstructed)
and let you know that I am still O.K.
I just got your letter that you wrote back in July
but was glad to get it. I was really surprised
to here that Frankie was wearing glasses,
but he is better off I know. I have received
both personal parcels and the tobacco, but
no cigarettes (as of) yet. One parcel came in
a few days before Christmas the cocoa was
good, but the coffee you could(n't) drink it.
When you send parcels, send grub. (here January 1st 1945
has been entered in very small letters). Well Moms
here it is another year. I was up last nite and
saw the old year out. How is all the kids doing
I hope they had a nice Christmas. You can tell
Basil I said hello and keep his chin-up and maybe
I will see him before long. Well I will close for this
time so tell everyone hello for me. Moms dont worry
about me I am O.K.
Lots of Love
Robert L.
December 10, 1944
Dear Wynell, Price, and Baby
Just a few line say
hello and let you know that I
am still kicking. Just received
your letter, that was wrote in
August and was really glad
to hear that you are all O.K.
Boy, I bet that Claudine is
really a case. I guess I wouldn't
know her. I can just imagine about
how much she has growed. I got
a letter from home and Ophelia
sent a picture. I didn't hardly
know her she has growed so much.
Well I will send my Christmas
greeting a Happy New Year even
though you get this about Easter
I guess I will close for this time
so ans. when you can. Tell
everyone hello for me.
Robert L.
(Date Unknown)
Dear Moms and Dad,
Just a few lines to say hello,
and let you know that I am
still O.K. and feeling good.
How is everyone back there?
Tell them I said hello. Moms
nothing to write about so
I will close for this time.
Moms don't worry about me
I'll be O.K. Write Wynell and
Price and tell them hello for
(Date Unknown)
Dear Moms and Dad,
Just a line to say hello and
let you know I am O.K. What is
this, is everyone of the kids
getting married now, I don't know I
am behind or I am getting
old, both I think. (Ha!Ha!) I guess Frank
will be next. It doesn't seem
possible that the kids have grown
so. That is too bad about Burt (?)
Spears, but maybe he is better off. I
feel sorry for the old woman.
I bet Bobby Dean is really a
mess. I would love to see him.
I'll bet if I was there I
would fix him up. How is
the kids doing in school? I
guess they are doing O.K. Well
this's Ophelia's last year. I guess
she is happy. But, it doesn't seem possible
that she is finishing. Well Moms
I guess I will close for this
time so ans. when you can.
Lots Love
Robert L.
January 7th 1945
Dear Jo and All,
Just a few lines to say hello,
and let you know that I am
O.K. I just received your letter
that was wrote November 15th.
Moms I have received 2 personal
parcels and 2 tobacco. When you
send parcels send cigarettes and
not tobacco. You can thank Mr. and
Mrs. Sanders for the things they
have sent. In every letter I get yo
say you haven't seen Mildred or
you have gone to see her. Well as
for my part you can leave that out
(Censored two and one-half lines
blacked out). Moms the sweater
that you were talking about, have
you sent it yet. I haven't received
it. I thought it would be in the August
parcel, "but no". No I haven't seen
Aubry since March but he is O.K. and
Jack is at III B another camp. You can
tell Frankie to watch them women
(ha!ha!) Well, I will close for this
time. so ans. when you can.
Lots of Love
Robert L.
US Censor: 10892
Stalag IIB
Mrs. R. B. Cunningham
December 7th, 1944
Dear Moms and All,
Just a few lines to say hello and let you know that
I am O.K. and feeling fine. I have received one
parcel and tobacco. There isn't much mom that
I can say. So I will stop for this time. No, I haven't
seen Daniels since April. But, he is O.K.
Tell everyone hello.
Robert L.
Axis blank POW Post. Note: Japanese and German languages
![]() ![]() ![]() A 'sample' POW mailer Lyle brought home to
![]() Ophelia Hopkins this 'letter' was formatted differently than most of the mailers
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