The Okinawan Times
Published daily in Naha Okinawa
The Virtual Okinawa Site, web cams, military, everything Okinawan
Okinawan Prefacture
All things government for Okinawa
G-8 Summit Home Page
Okinawan Slug Site,
these critters are found off the coast of Okinawa
Okinawa.Com all things Okinawan,
Recipes, tours general info
Virtual Okinawa Ginza,
Recipes and culture of Okinawa
Okinawa Hatzu, Live underwater camera, image reloads every 10 seconds camera is at a depth of 5 meters underwater at the Busena Resort Okinawa
The Okinawan Globe
Daily News and Stories on Okinawa
Okinawa is the Homeland of Karate
Complete information on the Okinawan Karate - Do Federation
Dive Okinawa...Dive into a different underwater world
Great Underwater Photography!
Long Island University
Okinawa Center Japan, General info
History of the 1st & 3rd Battalion Rangers in Italy WWII
Collection of Art works including Western Art & Photos
World Wide Terrorism and Crimes Against Humanity
It is ALL Free....
Thank a Veteran Today!
Japanese Atrocities in China
And; China in the Pacific War
Great Information Here...
detailed history; maps and images
Pacific Stars & Stripes European Stars & Stripes Combined