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Republican Veterans For Victory Thru Christ Jesus. Amen.
Sgt. Robert Lyle Cunningham 3rd Ranger Battalion Memorial Web - Site
This is an Educational Site and is not Affiliated with any Group or Organization

3'd Ranger Battlion Company F
Sgt. Robert Lyle Cunningham

30 July 1922  -  1 September 1946

This Site Dedicated to Robert Lyle Cunningham

Our Favorite Son; One of Darby's Elite Rangers Who Lived with Dignity and Honor;
Taken from our Family too soon...But Never Forgotten.

* * * Your Darby Rangers World Wide Resource * * *

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Brief Over -View of WWII

Darby Rangers

Darby Rangers

Colonel William Orlando Darby

The Leavenworth Papers

3rd Battalion Official Dates of Record

1st & 3rd Battalion Presidential Unit Citation


The Lucas Decision
Not to Advance Still Haunts Anzio


The Angel's of Anzio

Cisterna di Latina

Battle of Cisterna di Latina

Cisterna with a Devil at her feet

The German War Machine
Cisterna di Latina; 1944

Ophelia's Story

Stalag IIB

The Worst POW Camp in Germany

Hauptmann Springer:
The Butcher of Stalag IIB

Location of Stalag IIB
East Prussian German Empire

Stalag IIB: Final Report

Liberation of Stalag IIB


Memorial Pages

S/M Freddie Robertson
(LSI) HMS Royal Ulsterman Memorial Page

MSgt. Lloyd O. Hyatt;
1st Ranger Battalion Memorial Page

2nd Ranger Battalion Memorial Page

Sgt. Robert Lyle Cunningham;
3rd Ranger Battalion Memorial Page

1st Lt. James Cooney;
 4th Ranger Battalion Memorial Page

Colonel Max Schneider
5th Ranger Battalion Memorial Page

Lt. General Walter Krueger
6th Ranger Battalion Memorial Page

83'd Chemical Mortar Battalion
Memorial Page

2002 Memorial Salute

Award of Excellence

The Thomas Dewey Jones Award

General Information

Things they carried into war

OSS & Italian Partisan Resistance

Darby's Rangers: The Movie

Our POWs & MIAs in God's Hands

3rd Division Medals of Honor
Near Cisterna di Latina 1944

Caves of Ardeatine 1944

Bill Mauldin WWII's Greatest Cartoonist

Military Records at NPRC

What the Heck is V-Mail?

WWII Ration Book

Audie L. Murphy

History Channel Network Store

About This Web Site


Mail Bag and Correspondence


'Lyle; Our Darby's Ranger

The Story Behind the Story

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Recommended Book List for Darby's Rangers

Bob Price/Web Master


"History will show that Freemasonry has always been outlawed under totalitarian regimes.
As an aside; some 200,000 Masons perished in the Nazi holocaust. "

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This Web Site is a Personal Web Site and is not affiliated with any Military Group or Veterans Organization
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 For Educational Purposes

This Web Site is a Personal Web Site and is not affiliated with any Military Group or Veterans Organization
And is provided to you free of charge thanks to Tripod.Com and for Educational Purposes.
1st & 3rd Ranger Battalion; Darby's Rangers in Italy WWII

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